Watercolour HORADAM Schmincke Edition Cesc Farre
Schmincke Horadam watercolour metal box, containing 18 full godets of colours selected by the artist Cesc Farre :
215 lemon yellow, 213 dark chrome yellow shade, 218 transparent orange, 341 geranium red, 366 dark red, 473 cobalt violet shade, 482 Delft blue, 494 ultramarine extra fine, 484 phthalocyanine blue, 479 helium sky blue, 509 cobalt turquoise, 519 phthalocyanine green, 657 transparent ochre, 653 transparent Sienna tinge, 663 sepia brown, 786 anthracite grey, 787 Payne's grey bluish and the special colour 990 ocean grey by Cesc Farré