Vary the intensity of your colours using H Dupont Concentrated Thinner. This glycol-based product can be combined with Classic or Alter Ego paints. Get a wide gradient of the chosen colour and pastel colours.
The colours obtained are more fluid than their normal consistency.
Apply drops of the mixture to the chosen places: you notice that the paint spreads evenly on the sides as well as in the center. This technique makes it possible to create free backgrounds and perfect applications in the "notches" created by the application of the gutta.
Unlike the prepared diluent, this concentrated diluent evaporates slowly and thus delays the drying of the paint! You can work on the paint way longer.
Available in bottles of 100, 250 or 1000 ml.
How to use the Concentrated Thinner?
The concentrated diluent, unlike the prepared diluent, is not ready for use. A mixture should be prepared according to the following dosages: For 1 liter of water, preferably demineralized, add 40 ml of diluent. Mix gradually with the colour, until the desired intensity.
Apply your mixture as normal paint.
Clean your tools with water.
Why buy H Dupont Concentrated Thinner?
Diluted colours dry less quickly
The perfect and uniform application is an advantage to create regular backgrounds
Create lighter colours using the classic H Dupont or Alter Ego colours