-25% MODELING TOOLS Cinta de enmascarar de precision 2mm X 18m (2 unidades) T07003 €1.98 €2.63 Add to basket
-30% PINCELES PARA ÓLEO HEREND BRUSH Z8250. MIXED HAIRS IN CAT'S TONGUE Z8250 Número : 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 €7.05 €10.07 Herend Mixed Hair Cat Tongue Brush reference Z8250. Made of mixed synthetic and natural fibres for oil and acrylic works, it is a multi-purpose brush with an optimal loading and a homogeneous stain discharge. This Herend brush is an economical alternative to the natural hair, as it has similar features and allows you to work with exigency. Add to basket
On sale! -20% COLOURED PENCILS HOLBEIN Blender Pen for Colored Pencils OP801 €3.40 €4.25 Holbein Liquid Blender for coloured pencils is designed for blending and mixing oil-based pencils. Add to basket
-25% GOUACHE SETS TEMPERA FINA Maimeri 5 Primary colours M2598049 €10.05 €13.40 TEMPERA FINA Maimeri 5 colours. Primarios is a versatile, agile tempera, it is "Tempera" in the most classical sense. The line is studied with great flexibility for the work of students, amateurs and professionals. The harmonisation of the chromatic scale in Maimeri tempera, which allows a balanced tonal relationship throughout the palette, has been... Add to basket
Out-of-Stock TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES FOR OIL PAINTING Set of 2 MILAN Blends 6.9mm. and 10.5mm. BWM94710 €2.40 View
-20% GRAPHITE AND CHARCOAL copy of Lápiz Piedra Negra 3B Conté á Paris 3013645001223 €1.76 €2.20 Add to basket
-25% Out-of-Stock DRAWING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Maniquí Articulado Masculino 50cm. 93400006 €26.25 €35.00 Maniquí Articulado 30cm. View
-20% PASTEL PENCIL Set de 6 Lapices de Grafito Staedtler Lumograph 100P-SBK6 €11.99 €14.99 Add to basket
-10% SHARPENERS Afilaminas - sacapuntas para minas o compás de 2 mm FABER-CASTELL 184100 €0.59 €0.65 Add to basket