-25% PAPER FOR DRAWING Canson XL Bristol 180gr. CANSON_XL_BRISTOL Formato : A4 A3 €7.28 €9.71 Canson® XL® Bristol paper is ultra white and very smooth. Highly resistant, it withstands several corrections by scratching and erasing.Perfect for students, ideal for precise drawings and fine, sharp lines. Add to basket
-10% PAPER FOR DRAWING Bloc Esbozo Guarro CANSON 100hojas. A4 90G C200407690 €14.67 €16.30 Add to basket
-15% SCULPEY POLIMER CLAY SUPER SCULPEY Living Doll Medium 454gr. POZSLD1 €16.32 €19.20 Super Sculpey SS1 Beige 454gr. Add to basket
-20% SHARPENERS Afilalápices / Sacapuntas Doble Staedtler con Depósito 51260CKP18 €1.71 €2.14 Add to basket
-20% PINTURA ACUARELA White Nights St. Petersburg. Watercolour ACUARELA_WHITE_NIGHTS Formato : Tubo 10ml. Godet €3.15 €3.94 Watercolour White Nights. They are solid colours of the highest quality, manufactured with artisan procedures with high quality pigments, agglutinated in a mixture with gum arabic and honey, which favour the luminosity and stability of the colour after drying. White Nights watercolours are presented in tube and solid godet format, manufactured by the... Add to basket
-20% WATERCOLOUR TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Vaso Faber Castell Click&Go Rojo 181517 €2.87 €3.59 Faber Castell Click&Go Container Red. Very portable for outdoor work. Ideal for watercolour and water reservoir Add to basket
-10% COLOURED PENCILS Caja Metálica 24 Lápices de Colores Polycolor . Koh I Noor 3824 €26.24 €29.15 Add to basket