-30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR SENNELIER Liquid Gum Arabic SENNELIER GOMA_ARABIGA_SENNELIER Formato : 60Ml. 250ml. €7.46 €10.66 Sennelier Gum Arabic. It is mixed with watercolour or gouache to obtain a more brilliant result. Colourless, it can be applied as a final varnish. Solvent: water Add to basket
-30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Schmincke Watercolour Binder. 200ml. SCHMINCKE 50820037 €16.87 €24.10 Schmincke Watercolour Binder. 200ml. Ready to Use. Used to bind pure pigments to create your own colours, it contains ox gall and gum arabic which offer greater permanence. It is balanced in composition for use in mixing with colours and must be quality pigments for professional shade making. Add to basket
-25% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Goma Arabiga en Pasta Holbein Tubo 15ml HOLBEIN W463 €5.59 €7.46 Add to basket
-25% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Medium Sizing para Acuarela Holbein 60ml HOLBEIN W470 €11.26 €15.02 Add to basket
-25% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Medium Acuarela Goma Arabiga Holbein 60ml HOLBEIN W471 €7.25 €9.66 Add to basket
-25% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Medium para Acuarela Holbein 60ml HOLBEIN W472 €5.75 €7.66 Add to basket
-25% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Medium Iridiscente Holbein 60ml HOLBEIN W474 €12.21 €16.28 Add to basket
-25% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR HOLBEIN Medium Ox Gall 60ml. HOLBEIN W475 €7.31 €9.74 HOLBEIN Ox gall medium, 60ml. For water colours it is used as a levelling and wetting agent, allowing to reduce the colour tension and to improve the colour flow. Add to basket
-30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR WINSOR&NEWTON Watercolour Mixing Medium 75ml. WINSOR&NEWTON 2921760 €7.77 €11.10 WINSOR&NEWTON MIXING MEDIUMIt slows down the drying time of water colours, thus facilitating the execution of blending and glazes. Add to basket
-30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR WINSOR&NEWTON Granulating Watercolour Medium 75ml. WINSOR&NEWTON 2921762 €7.77 €11.10 GRAINING MEDIUM FOR WATERCOLOR WINSOR&NEWTONGives a slightly irregular or grainy appearance to the colours, which usually form a perfectly uniform layer. Add to basket
-30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR WINSOR&NEWTON Prep and Touch-up Medium 75ml. WINSOR&NEWTON 2921765 €6.44 €9.20 PREPARATION FOR TOUCH-UPS FOR WINSOR&NEWTON WATERCOLOURSThis product facilitates the removal of colours after they have dried completely. It is used as a base coat; it allows corrections. Add to basket
-30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR WINSOR&NEWTON Watercolour Texture Medium 75ml. WINSOR&NEWTON 2921768 €7.77 €11.10 TEXTURE MEDIUM FOR WINSOR&NEWTON WATERCOLOURSContains fine particles that create a sense of depth and volume. It is perfect for highlighting the details of sand on a beach or the foreshortening of a tree, for example. Add to basket
On sale! -30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Sennelier Masking Liquid 75ml. SENNELIER N142600.75 €6.30 €9.00 This liquid allows to isolate parts of the support during the application of gouache, watercolor, ink or gouache. It is applied with a brush or pen. It is slightly colored to distinguish it from the white support. After a few minutes of drying, apply the color. Once the color is dry, peel off the hidden areas. Always carry out a preliminary test on a... Add to basket
Out-of-Stock MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR Barniz para Acuarela Aquafine Daler Rowney 75ml. 114007008 €6.30 View
-30% MEDIUMS AND AUXILIARIES FOR WATERCOLOR SCHMINCKE Masking Masker Applicator 100ml. SCHMINCKE 50731100 €16.63 €23.76 SCHMINCKE Masking Liquid. Blue liquid without ammonia with applicator. 100ml. It leaves no residue after each use, and can be removed from the paper base with an eraser. It is a resource widely used by watercolourists all over the world, as it allows white or paper base reserves to be established without altering the base and textures of the paper. Add to basket